Hi-Chew's Web Solutions consist of a custom WordPress Template, utilizing Custom Post Types, along with Advanced Custom Fields for fine-tuning of content. WooCommerce is then used to handle their E-Commerce and Online Shopping Experiences.
The Chew Crew
After just a few days at Taylor & Pond, I was thrown into a big project for Hi-Chew: Programming a redesign of their existing “Chew Crew” page. The comp was created by the in-house design team, then passed off to to web team and I. With the use of Advanced Custom Fields and core web languages, the vision came to life.
This page is all about call-to-action, encouraging users to sign up to be a part of the crew, receiving updates, samples, and other goodies from Hi-Chew.
Hi-Chew’s Glorious Flavors
The next Page I developed for Hi-Chew is a simple grid of images detailing all of their excellent flavors. Upon hovering over any given flavor, a small description appears, along with what packages the flavor appears in.
This is done through the use of a Custom Post Type, and some Advanced Custom Fields. When a Flavor is created, the user is presented with a list of Checkboxes, and can select which packages are appropriate for that flavor.